Browns English Language School 語言學校介紹

- 學校名稱:Browns English Language School
- 國家:澳洲
- 城市:黃金海岸
- 幣別:AUD
- 匯率:約 NT22.85
- 時差:冬令台灣時間2小時
夏令台灣時間多2小時 - 氣候:27.04~31.36℃
Browns English Language School為澳洲知名度極高的語言學校之一,曾經於2010年榮獲『南半球最佳語言學校』的殊榮。Browns是一所家族經營的語言學校,在澳洲有3個校區『布里斯本』、『黃金海岸』及『墨爾本』,認真辦學的態度有口皆碑,提供最新的英文學習系統及最優秀的師資,校園環境相當的整齊乾淨,有圖書館、自修室、電腦教室,輔助學生英文快速進步,也有廚房及休息區讓學生可以在休息時間吃點東西或是和朋友聊天。
自創『聽、說、讀、寫』拆開程度的教學方法,早上課程(Core Course)會在主要程度的班級上課;下午會依據英文的各個技能(字彙&閱讀、寫作、文法、英文使用的基礎、口說&聽力)進行程度分級,個別上課。對於亞洲學生普遍口說、聽力較弱的情況來說,會有很大的助益。
對於想在澳洲,快速適應當地環境,且獲得打工機會的學生,你們的需求,Browns也聽到了,推出的『咖啡師培訓課程BARISTA』及『飯店/渡假村實習課程ENGLISH PLUS HOTEL/ RESORT INTERNSHIP』讓你在抵達澳洲後,英文突飛猛進的同時,也可以順利取得工作機會。
此外,明亮現代化的教室與步行到校的宿舍也都是Browns English Language School受國際學生歡迎的原因之一。
Browns English Language School的學生心得分享
**德國的ADRIAN, “The BROWNS IELTS Exam Preparation program helped me to take my English skills to the next level and achieve an overall score of 8.0 with a band score of 7.0 for writing. After attending the course for 10 weeks, I really felt that I was fully prepared on test day and was able to achieve the score I needed to be accepted into a Master’s degree next year.”
**巴西的MARIA, “I chose the BROWNS English Language School English plus Demi Pair program to have the opportunity of living with an Australian family to experience the culture, speak a lot of English and also because it was a great option when it comes to saving money.”
**泰國的PIM, “When I studied in EAP3 it was a very good experience as I had an opportunity to prepare myself for university. I liked every technique that the teacher taught me, for example, the techniques of taking notes and summarizing. In the past, I thought this was easy for me, but not in a second language. I’m not a native speaker, so sometimes was very difficult for me to summarize what I listened to or read. Now, that has been fixed. I hope that my opinions can help people to make the right decision. EAP is a very good choice to learn academic English.”
2 寄宿家庭