根據Australia Fair Work的公告,從2016年5月31號起,澳洲最低國際週薪從原本$656.9 調漲至$672.70;時薪是從$17.29 調漲至 17.70 p/小時,調漲幅度達2.4%,此規定將從2016年7月1日起正式生效。
《GogoEnglish》貼心小提醒,如果你不小心在澳洲做了黑工,真的有狀況需要申訴時,澳洲政府單位的Fair Work會是你很好的選擇哦!
Get set for a 2.4% wage increase - 2016 Annual Wage Review
The Fair Work Commission has announced a 2.4% increase to minimum wages. The increase will apply from the first full pay period starting on or after 1 July 2016.
The new national minimum wage will be $672.70 per week or $17.70 per hour.
Who does the increase apply to?
The 2.4% increase only applies to employees that get their pay rates from:
◎ the national minimum wage
◎ a modern award or
◎ a registered agreement (in some cases).
Most employees are covered by an award. Award rates will increase by 2.4%. If you’re not sure which award applies to you, visit Awards.
The new national minimum wage of $672.70 per week or $17.70 per hour applies to employees who aren’t covered by an award or agreement.
The increase won’t affect employees who are already getting paid more than the new minimum wage.