Impact English College 語言學校 | 墨爾本
- 學校名稱:Impact English College
- 國家:澳洲
- 城市:墨爾本
- 幣別:AUD
- 匯率:約 NT22.85
- 時差:冬令台灣時間多3小時
夏令台灣時間多2小時 - 氣候:19.56~25.13℃
Impact English College 語言學校介紹
Why Impact English?
#除了多元的課程選擇,Impact English也提供免費的課程,包含『考試技巧』、『會話課』、『糾正發音』、『唱歌學英文』、『寫作加強』等
*嚴格執行在校English Only政策*
*Supawan(泰國),” I studied General English through 4 levels, from Pre- Intermediate to Advanced. After studying over 25 weeks of GE and IELTS I decided to take the FCE course. I enjoy studying and spending time with my classmates. My teachers are kind and awesome. They help me a lot! I enjoy all aspects of learning English - reading, writing, listening and speaking. I really like the English Only policy. At the beginning, I felt it was very hard, but later I spoke English with my friends even though we were out of school. I highly recommend the GE course!”
*Viviana(哥倫比亞), “I have been studying at Impact for one year. This college has a variety of different courses and one of the best courses is IELTS Advanced. It has helped me to improve my skills and also to get the IELTS score that I needed to get into a university. My teachers are passionate and very knowledgeable. If you have done extra work, they check it for you and give you some advice about your strengths and weaknesses. To improve your speaking there are different activities, for example debates, discussions or presentations. I noticed that I improved a lot after completing this course!”
*Remy(法國), “My life at Impact was awesome! I studied English for 5 months in General English and FCE. My best time was in FCE as it was an intensive English course with a very good group of students. Since starting FCE, I feel like I have improved my English and I can live independently in Australia! So if you are looking for a very good experience in a foreign country, Impact is the best place to be!”
2 寄宿家庭
**『皇家植物園Royal Botanic Gardens』野餐。
** 搭乘熱氣球飛越墨爾本市區。
** 南半球最大的露天市場『維多利亞女王市集』吃吃喝喝,認識最在地的食材,體驗最道地的飲食文化。
** 『墨爾本盃Melbourne Cup』:體驗澳洲一年一度的『賽馬』娛樂。
**網球迷必看的經典賽事四大公開賽第一站『澳洲網球公開賽Australian Open Tennis』。
**『菲利浦島Phillip Island』:全球體型最小的『神仙企鵝Fairy Penguins』上岸的那一刻。
**參加全球盛事『白晝之夜White Night Festival』墨爾本站:從日落到日出,24小時不睡,只為這快閃的戶外燈光秀、街頭表演。
**『戶外電影院The Outdoor Moonlight Cinema』初體驗。
**來場『大洋路The Great Ocean Road』的公路之旅:必去的景點,有『托爾坎海灘Torquay Beach』、『貝爾斯海灘Bells Beach』、『十二門徒岩The Twelve Apostles』、『阿德湖峽Loch Ard Gorge』、『倫敦拱橋London Bridge』、『島灣海岸公園Bay of Islands Coastal Park』、『陶爾希爾野生動物自然保護區Tower Hill Wildlife Reserve』、『格蘭坪國家公園Grampians National Park』等。
**挑戰自己的極限,登墨爾本最高樓『Eureka Skydeck』:有88樓高,腳踩在透明玻璃的『懸崖箱』上,似乎有騰空的錯覺。
**『墨爾本國際喜劇節Melbourne International Comedy Festival』:讓你哈哈大笑,有個美好開心的一天。
**『布勒山Mt. Buller』滑雪初體驗。
**『South Melbourne Markets』:墨爾本在地人最愛的菜市場。
**在『Aussie Rules Football Game』感受澳洲人看足球的瘋狂。
**『維多利亞國家美術館National Gallery of Victoria』:是澳洲第一座公立美術館,也是規模最大、參觀人數最多的美術館,找一天去逛逛,增加自己的藝術氣息吧!!